Food intolerance to tomatoes, milk, fruit or Asian food?
Although food intolerances cannot be treated, they can be managed quite well by specifically avoiding the food that triggers them! Normally, enzymes help us to digest the food we eat and therefore to tolerate it. If these enzymes do not function properly, unpleasant side effects occur. Food intolerances can have a serious impact on quality of life.
As the immune system is not involved in intolerances, it is not possible to prove an intolerance in a regular allergy test, but a positive provocation test with the suspected food is required. You must prepare for a food intolerance test from the evening before; you come to us in the morning on an empty stomach. The test itself takes about 3 hours until the result is available.
The basophil activation test (BAT) can help with other food intolerances. In this test, your blood cells are provoked with substances that are particularly common in processed foods, such as preservatives, colorants or glutamate.
We recommend booking an initial consultation in advance to decide together which test is most suitable for you.