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So far admin has created 17 blog entries.

Interview on allergen immunotherapy


About allergen immunotherapy In this interview, Prof. Jensen-Jarolim reports that allergen immunotherapy can achieve effective long-term improvement for allergy sufferers. The "allergy vaccination" is more protracted than conventional vaccinations, as it takes at least 3 years. The good news is that allergen immunotherapy 1) works particularly well for pollen and house dust mite allergies, 2) can reduce symptoms by up to [...]

Interview on allergen immunotherapy2024-05-16T18:10:33+01:00

With Hanno Settele - Dok 1, ORF1


ORF1 - Dok1 with Hanno Settele. April 26, 2023, prime time 20:15 on ORF 1: Allergies - When nature becomes your enemy. It was an exciting shoot with Prof. Erika Jensen-Jarolim as an expert. Read more in this article: "...12 people come for a blood test and discover a plethora of allergies. Even Hanno Settele [...]

With Hanno Settele - Dok 1, ORF12024-08-21T09:36:25+01:00

The weather and allergies


Bad weather and allergies? Climate change is making thunderstorms more violent - pollen and spores are swept up into the cloud towers, mechanically fragmented and come down again as tiny particles with cold downdraughts. They can then be inhaled deeply and even trigger asthma. We consider weather-related connections in medical consultations. The Austrian Pollen Information Service also [...]

The weather and allergies2023-08-06T14:20:22+01:00

Easy as pie: adrenaline auto-injector


Arta has suffered from a severe food allergy to cashew nuts since she was a small child. In the video, she explains how to use the adrenaline auto-injector in an emergency. In the film, Arta calls the auto-injector a "life-saving syringe". She's right, because in the event of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), an EpiPen® or a JEXT® can actually save lives. Arta would like to [...]

Easy as pie: adrenaline auto-injector2024-08-21T09:37:47+01:00



Pollen season with a new quality. 21.03.2023, ORF 2, Vienna today. See what we think about the current pollen season in this report by Doris Manola. Vienna today, ORF 2

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